Workshop Description:
This workshop is designed to introduce young researchers to the philosophy and design principles of the Future Internet Architecture initiative. After an introduction to various projects in this initiative, the focus will be on understanding the MobilityFirst project and the related software development and API. This workshop will consist of various lectures where we will discuss several ongoing research topics. We will read and summarize various research publications in order to understand various components of the MobilityFirst architecture. Toward the end of he workshop, we will develop a simple application that uses the MobilityFirst API to communicate and interact with the other similar applications in the network.
Textbook and Material
All course material will be provided at the workshop Learning Objectives At the end of this workshop, young researchers will be able to
- Describe the philosophy of future internet initiative
- Summarize various design principles of the MobilityFirst architecture
- Write applications that use the MobilityFirst API
Attendance is mandatory. Researchers who sign up for this workshop must be committed to attend each session and are allowed fewer than 2 absences. Each researcher should be willing to spend 3-4 hours after each workshop to complete the required assignments.
Other Requirements
Researchers should complete all reading and writing assignments before attending each session
Schedule of Topics
(Updated 07/18/2014)
Week 1: Introduction to the Internet : Past and Present and the Future Internet Initiative – Slides
Week 2: Overview of the Named Data Network (NDN) project – Slides
Week 3: Overview of the expressive Internet Architecture (XIA) project – Slides
Week 4: The MobilityFirst Project: Overview (Select a final report topic) – Slides
Week 5: The MobilityFirst Project: Routing and transport – Slides
Week 6: Introduction to the click modular router – Slides
Week 7: Introduction to the MobilityFirst Software API (NDK) – Slides
Week 8: Simple application using the MobilityFirst API (Final reports are due)